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SHR Laser

The technology behind advanced aesthetic equipment for permanent hair removal, Laser SHR (Super Hair Removal), is actually a combination of two widely known technologies, laser technology and intense pulsed light (IPL) technology.

Laser SHR devices are increasingly sought after for their versatility and results, not only in permanent hair removal but also in various cosmetic treatments such as acne, rejuvenation, skin lightening, and dark spot removal.

What is Laser SHR?

Laser SHR is a technology that originated in Israel and revolutionized the world of aesthetics by combining two well-known technologies: conventional laser and IPL.

How does Laser SHR work?

Unlike IPL, which uses the drag technique, Laser SHR uses quick repeating light pulses to heat and damage hair follicles, inhibiting hair growth.

Laser SHR procedure

The Laser SHR procedure is a safe and effective option for the removal of unwanted hair in various areas of the body and face, including legs, armpits, bikini area, beard, upper lip, and more.

In addition, Laser SHR can also be used in other procedures, with facial rejuvenation being the most popular.

Its treatments are more pleasant, fast, and less aggressive on the skin compared to conventional systems.

Benefits and Contraindications of Laser SHR

The benefits of Laser SHR include shorter treatment time, less discomfort during the procedure, and a significant reduction in unwanted hair.

With its “in Motion” system, intense pulsed light (IPL) with Laser SHR technology is an advancement in treatment that can correct a variety of benign skin conditions such as facial skin imperfections, signs of aging, birthmarks, unwanted hair, small unsightly veins, and other spots.

It offers a safe and non-invasive solution that can be adapted to your individual condition and skin type, providing superior aesthetics results and exceptional satisfaction.

However, there are some contraindications, such as sensitive skin, allergies, pregnancy, tattoos, and areas with lesions.

Before using Laser SHR, it is important for the aesthetic professional to evaluate whether the treatment is suitable for the patient.

Price of Laser SHR

The price and cost of Laser SHR equipment may vary according to the quality of materials used, brands, and other aspects.

At 4Skin, we have solutions for different needs, ensuring the total satisfaction of our clients.

In summary

If you are looking for an effective solution to offer services for the removal of unwanted hair or skin treatments such as rejuvenation, Laser SHR is an important option to consider.

With long-lasting results and safe procedures, Laser SHR is the equipment you’ve always dreamed of having.

Do not hesitate to consult with 4Skin and be assisted by a professional to learn about the different available offers of Laser SHR machines for advanced aesthetics treatments.