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Aesthetics is an area that is constantly evolving, seeking to offer increasingly effective and safe results.

One of the most sought-after aesthetic treatments today is Cavitation, also known as ultracavitation, which uses a high-tech device to eliminate localized fat and reduce cellulite.

What is Cavitation?

It is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-frequency ultrasound waves to break down localized fat cells, turning them into liquid. Then, the body naturally eliminates these cells through the lymphatic system.

How does Cavitation work?

Cavitation is performed using a device that emits high-powered sound waves that penetrate the skin and reach the deeper layers of fat.

Through its mechanism of action, microbubbles are subjected to pressure variations, increasing in size, and rupturing and imploding when they reach their limit. This implosion of microbubbles causes high-energy shock waves that act on the rupture of adipocyte membranes.

The machine can work with different frequencies and intensities, providing effective and personalized results for each patient.

What are the benefits and contraindications of Cavitation?

The benefits of cavitation are many. In addition to helping reduce localized fat, the treatment can also be used to reduce cellulite, improve skin appearance, and shape the body.

Results can be noticed after the first session, and the effects are enhanced over time.

However, it is important to note that cavitation has some drawbacks, such as the risk of burns and tissue damage. Therefore, it is essential to seek a qualified professional and use a quality device.

But beware: cavitation has some contraindications, such as pregnancy, heart problems, and liver diseases.

Cavitation Procedures

4Skin‘s cavitation devices are easy to use and non-invasive, meaning no skin cuts or anesthesia are needed for the procedure. Simply place the equipment in the area to be treated and emit sound waves to start cavitation. It allows for visible and non-invasive results.

It is recommended to do a maximum of two sessions per week to avoid side effects.

What are the results of Cavitation?

Cavitation has excellent results, but to make them even better, many people choose to combine cavitation with other aesthetic treatments, such as radio frequency, which helps firm the skin and improve the appearance of the belly.

Summary of Cavitation Technology

The results of cavitation are surprising, as can be seen in various patients who have undergone the treatment – before and after cavitation.

By offering cavitation services, you will promote the achievement of beauty and self-esteem goals.

Cavitation is an effective option for reducing localized fat and can be combined with other aesthetic techniques to achieve even more amazing results.

Consult us to get support from a qualified professional at 4Skin and learn more about these revolutionary devices.